Big chief extracts products contain only distilled cannabis oil (both THC and CBD dominant extracts ) and Food- grade terpenses derived from all natural plant material.
At no point in the formulation process does Big chief extracts utilize any cutting agents( like VITAMIN E acetate), emulsifiers, or any synthetic agents that alter the pure cannabis oil and terpene formulation.
The highlight for this big chief cartridge review is hands down its natural flavor profiles. Some of their flavors are so good that it’s tough to believe it came from a cannabis plant.
There are many flavors to choose from big chief . Some taste too good to be just cannabis. The terpene profiles nonetheless are impressive.
There are many unique strain hybrid combinations available that we’ve never heard of and we’ve been smoking for a very long time. We were extremely impressed with every flavor we tried from big chief.
We intend to try out more flavors and updating this list as we do.Other brands are introducing their own Live Resin Cartridges such as West Coast Cure and Alpine Vapor.
As we mentioned above, we tried Alpine Vapor, and its Live Resin wasn’t as intense as this one.
The Alpine Vapor vape cartridge hardware is still using inferior wick to vaporize its cannabis oil. Big Chief Extracts for Sale Online
West Coast Cure vape cartridges are using the standard CCELL technology which we will review in a more in-depth review soon.
Also, we are planning on creating a best live resin cartridge list this year so check back soon!